SYNC Consortium
A group of local youth organisations working together for the benefit of children and young people in Hammersmith and Fulham
SYNC - The Young Hammersmith and Fulham Consortium
SYNC was set up to encourage local youth organisations to collaborate for the benefit of children and young people in our borough. With 30 members at the moment, the Consortium is currently delivering two projects: DRIFT and PLAYZONES HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM. Our first ever Consortium project - Ready, Steady, CONNECT - is just coming to an end and we are thrilled at the ways that we are able to work together to strengthen support for young people and offer bespoke solutions to the key concerns of local young people today.
How we are achieving our goals?
- Teaming Up: We bring together local youth organisations, schools, local government, funders and the wider community to co-design bespoke opportunities for young people.
- Securing Funds: We're bidding and tendering competitively for public service contracts and large-scale grants via a range of channels.
Together, we're making Hammersmith and Fulham a fantastic place to be a young person!
Our Mission
Improve the quality of life of H&F's children, young people and families and strengthen the local community by bringing together the diversity and expertise of locally rooted youth providers.
Our Vision
Win significant resources to sustain and grow locally-rooted, high-quality youth sector provision in response to identified needs.
Join the Consortium
- Driving up standards and continually improving quality
- Showing best practices and influencing other organisations
- Increased capacity to leverage social investment
- A collective voice for the consortium members
- The potential for a greater joint impact on young people
- A potential to reduce overhead costs for small providers, so that they can focus on delivery
- Overcoming the barriers which smaller providers can face in accessing larger pots of funding
- Organisations who wish to apply to become members of the consortium must be existing members of Young H&F
- Adhere to the following values: Provision of services targeted at children and young people, Having a social purpose, locally focussed in H&F commitment to consortium working and commitment to sharing expertise
Find out more
Who can become a member?
Organisations who wish to apply to become members of the consortium must be existing members of Young H&F.
Find more about our free membership scheme.
What are the categories of membership?
There are three categories of consortium membership:
- Full member. Organisations that meet all of the membership eligibility criteria.
- Associate member. Organisations that are currently able to meet some but not all of the eligibility criteria have the intent and potential to convert to full members.
- Affiliate member. Small micro organisations that don't have the capacity to convert to full members but can add value to the consortium.
Can private providers become consortium members?
Yes. Locally rooted private providers can be within the consortium membership if they operate to a clear social purpose.
Can the consortium help organisations that are merging?
The consortium will work alongside appropriate partner organisations to provide merger advice to member organisations. This will include advice on merger processes and the sort of issues to consider, e.g. due diligence.
Will there be a review process as the consortium develops?
Yes. There will be an annual membership survey that will bring member's views of what they think is working well within the consortium and what can be improved.
Is there a joining fee?
No. There is no fee to join as a member and as a consortium member of the Young Hammersmith and Fulhman Foundation.