Fulham FC Kicks (Eel Brook Common) - Refugee & Migrant Football w/Chelsea Foundation - photo

Fulham FC Kicks (Eel Brook Common) - Refugee & Migrant Football w/Chelsea Foundation
Fulham FC Foundation

11 - 19 Free In-person


Eel Brook Common Astro
New King's Road
London, SW6
Google Maps


Project runs on following dates
School Term
School Holidays
Bank Holidays

The activity runs from 7 January 2021 to 26 August 2021. The Young Hammersmith and Fulham Fundation does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.


Premier League Kicks is one of the Premier League's flagship community programmes. PL Kicks started in 2006 and has a long history of using the power of football and the value of sports participation to help youngsters in some of the most high-need areas. By engaging young people in constructive activities, including a wide variety of sports, coaching, music and educational and personal development sessions, communities up and down the country have been transformed with impressive football and sports participation rates and the authorities reporting significant reductions in anti-social behaviour in the areas in which it is delivered. The programme started with four pilot projects, at Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester City, Fulham and Brentford. It has engaged more than 300,000 young people at hundreds of venues across the country. Sixty-nine professional clubs in the Premier League and English Football League (EFL) are now supported to deliver the programme via the Premier League Charitable Fund. The scheme has also enabled thousands of youngsters to find routes into education, training and employment with volunteering being a key component. One of the key elements for the success of Kicks is the workforce, with 20 per cent of the coaching and delivery staff being former participants, often hailing from the same area in which they are now working. One of the highlights of the programme is the annual Premier League Kicks Cup which brings together all of the clubs for a showpiece football competition involving hundreds of young people.




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