UR4Meals - photo

The Upper Room

Free In-person


The Upper Room, St Saviour Wendell Park Church

London, W12 9LN
Google Maps


Project runs daily.

14:00 to 19:00 on weekdays

School Term
School Holidays
Bank Holidays

The activity runs from 19 August 2021 to 4 September 2030. The Young Hammersmith and Fulham Fundation does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.

There are no criteria or requirements to access this service. If you would like more details please contact us on 0208 740 5688 or uradmin@theupperroom.org.uk


Free hot food, cooked on site daily to whoever wants it as well as food packages, toiletries, clothing, bedding. Can occasionally help with access to tech - old laptops, tablets, phones. Housing advisor onsite every Monday, CAB advisor onsite every Monday afternoon.



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