Young Healthwatch

← Back | Last updated on 5 Nov 2021

About Organisation

Who are Young Healthwatch Westminster? Young Healthwatch is part of Healthwatch Central West London. It is a network of volunteers who represent the views of children and young people living, working or studying in Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Kensington and Chelsea. We: - Raise awareness of different health issues that affect children and young people. - Reach out to young people in our area, speaking to them and gathering their views on the health issues and services that matter to them. - Work with health and social care services representatives to improve our services for children and young people. - Grow our skills as we build our understanding of how to work on local public issues. How do I join? If you are aged between 14 and 25 and live, work or study in Westminster, you can apply via email on or call us on 020 8968 7049 and ask for an application form. We work with organisations who are active in improving local health, and we’re always reaching out to new people in our commitment to this. Follow us and keep an eye out for updates and news on upcoming events on twitter – our handle is @HealthwatchCWL and our dedicated Instagram page – @yhwwestminster

Young Healthwatch

332 Ladbroke Grove
London, W10 5AH

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